Need to do some quick woodwork job in the wilderness, exploring, hiking, camping activities? This survival wire saw will be your outdoor essentials for safety and convenience. You can cut through small branches or cut small pieces of lumber. Also are great on any kind of hiking trip, and might be important even keep one in your vehicle if it's allowed in your area. For emergencies, this is something you could really use to cut something made out of wood. Or even help you build a small fire.
- Can be used for cutting wood, plastic, bone, rubber and soft metal, fit for camping.
- Easy to carry: Small size, lightweight, flexible.
- Perfect in your backpack for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities survival tools.
- Material: Steel wire + other material.
- Length: 28 inches.
Note: This kind of saw is called 'survival saws' for allowing you to survive a short while. These little saws are not made for the long haul. If you need a survival saw that lasts, you would be better served to buy a hand chain saw which is just a length of chain saw chain with handles at the ends.